3 Ways To Take Advantage of the Shortest Day Of The Year

3 Ways To Take Advantage of the Shortest Day Of The Year

Winter officially begins its takeover [today]. That’s right — the shortest day of the year is here, signalling the onset of many months of snow and cold temperatures. 

But the shortest day of the year also brings one pretty awesome perk, especially for sleep-lovers like you: the longest night of the year. With plenty of hours to spend in the cozy darkness, the options are endless for embracing the evening. Whether you choose to catch up on some much-needed sleep or cuddle by the fire, the winter solstice should be welcomed.

So lean back like the northern hemisphere is leaning furthest away from the sun and relax — this unique day only comes just once a year. How will you make the most of the shortest day of the year? Here are some of our favorite ways to celebrate:

  • 1. Have a Solstice Feast

A major component of the winter solstice is getting to indulge in all your favorite wintry and holiday treats. Why not combine all of your favorites and host a solstice feast with your family. Or, you could coordinate a festive solstice potluck with your friends. By cooking your go-to organic meal, you can celebrate the longest night of the year in a healthy, wholesome way. (Just make sure someone else brings the rum cake!)

  • 2. Embrace The Ambiance

It’s getting dark...early. Don’t let this sudden darkness in the evening startle you or stymie your plans. Instead, embrace this moody ambiance and cuddle up in your comfy, organic bed. There’s nothing wrong with hitting the sack a little early, and when one in three Americans don’t get enough sleep, it might actually be the best way to take advantage of the solstice. 

  • 3. Spend Time With the Stars

The winter solstice happens up there in outer space, and while the changes aren’t visible in the night sky (like a meteor shower or solar eclipse would be), it’s still a great opportunity to spend a little more time with the stars. Bundle up in your winter parka and spend some time outside stargazing. After all, the shortest day of the year is an annual astronomical event. So, it’s better to embrace the theme. 

The shortest day of the year is also the longest night, meaning there are plenty of chances for you to celebrate your inner ‘night owl’ and take advantage of the early-evening darkness.